Get Signature Data
This function returns a full set of interpreted signature, procuration and board information - including the name, address and possibly personal identification number (requires a data processor agreement) of the people who hold these roles within the requested organization.
It is typically used before a signature process to automate and optimize a digital process flow.
The unique value of this function is that it interprets manually entered signing rights which are not normally available in digital form.
Coverage: Norway, Sweden, Finland. Denmark (see exception under *** for Denmark)
Message name: GetSPInfoByOrg
GetSPInfoByOrg Input
OrganizationNumber | Official organisation number. | Length is 9 or 10 consisting of digits and 1 optional dash |
GetSPInfoByOrg Response
CompanyRoles | A list of all roles in the given company. | See the section about
CompanyRole |
InterpretedSPInfoList | A list containing all signing and procuration information available. | See the section regarding
InterpretedSPInfoList |
ShadowRegEntry | Info regarding blocked status of the company if the company is blocked. | See the section regarding
ShadowRegRecord |
Note: when one or more signing rules cannot be machine interpreted, the response is set to: Inconclusive.
When no company is found (i.e. when a given org. number is incorrect), the following error message is returned: NULL/empty
When a company is not supported (see country specific information ), the following error message is returned: NULL/empty
*** GetSPInfoByOrg Denmark: due to local legislation, Nets is not allowed to return the CPRn of the company signatories as well as info on procuration rights.
Verify Signature Data
This function verifies signature and procuration rights at the time when the verification request is sent (real-time). The function validates that 1 ... N people combined have signature rights on behalf of a given organization.
It is typically used after a signature process is completed to verify that the correct people have signed the document.
Useful when the company signatories are known (i.e. based on prior 'Get Signature Data' query) and/or when the signature process has taken some time and there is a risk of changes in signature rights process.
Coverage: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark
Message name: VerifySignatureAndProcuration
VerifySignatureAndProcuration Input
OrganizationNumber | Official organization number
A valid number for the selected country.
PersonIdList | Unique identifiers for persons | List of personIDTypeDef See the section regarding PersonID |
VerifySignatureAndProcuration Response
DataSource | Describes which data source has been used for this call. | Brreg (online data Norway) Experian (offline data Norway) BV (onlinedata Sweden) UC (offline data Sweden) Virre (online data Finland) Erst (online data Denmark) |
SignatureType | Describes whether it is signature or procuration rights. | Signature or Procuration |
SignatureConclusion | Tells if the group has the right indicated by signatureType. | Positive (signature or procuration), Negative (if no rights are present), or Inconclusive (if the system isn't able to determine the group rights) |
Note: There is a configurable option in ID-Rights to always return a Positive Procuration Response when the "daglig leder/CEO" is one of the people included in the input. This setting won't affect any existing "daglig leder/CEO" signature rights.
The option must be explicitly requested by the customer.
Get Signature Combinations
This function returns a full set of interpreted signature and procuration combinations of persons who have the right to sign on behalf of company.
This service makes enable to automate the verification of signing rights by providing all possible combinations if signature is either defined as Alone (individually) or Jointly (combined with other person).
It also contains the response fields provided in Get Signature Data call.
Coverage: Norway, Sweden
Message name: GetSPCombinationByOrg
| Describe if the response is Conclusive or Inonclusive for signature
| Conclusive, Inconclusive
| Provides all possible combinations of persons for Signature rights.
| Signature or Procuration
| Describes if the response is Conclusive or Inonclusive for procuration
| Conclusive, Inconclusive