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ACQ processing


What is acquiring processing?

During the acquiring processing - the acquirer processor authorises transactions and receives transaction settlement information. As well as linking the merchant, card scheme and acquirer, the acquirer processor also evaluates whether transactions are valid, approved by the issuer, and also works to minimise fraud and chargebacks.

Nets Estonia Solution

Nets Estonia provides core acquiring processing for Acquirers. We support two major card schemas – Visa and Mastercard. With our solution you can grow into more markets with ease. 

Main advantages of our solutions:

  • API-driven platform – Our solutions are aimed to provide easy seamless integration with existing processes and systems.
  • Onboarding speed – We onboard acquirers fast, so they will be able to start servicing merchants.
  • Regulatory compliance – Our card acquiring solutions meeting the required international Card Organization standards including PCI standards. 
  • Engineering support – We support acquirers during implementation and post-launch for guidance and advice.
  • Increased reliability – We enable acquires to serve their Merchants with reliable processing solutions and high availability.