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Nets is a part of the Nexi Group - The European PayTech. Visit our Group website at


Partner Sales Manager

0% Building up a good relationship with Customers and Partners
0% Delivering the best service and support into our cashless world
0% Living – Loving – Laughing

When I´m at work, I´m powered by:

I get my energy and motivation from our customers and partners. They are looking for getting the best service and support into our cashless world. I am looking forward to support them by phone and selling the best products for their customers.

When I´m off work, I´m powered by:

When I am off, I am taking care of my two daughters, my husband and our dog. Since October last year we have a small garden near our apartment, where we spent a lot of time. Furthermore, I am going to gym and meet friends – having good food and a good time.

This is 5% of my personality and the story behind it:

Living – Loving – Laughing - is my motto in life, which I want to keep until the end of my days. People who know me know that and appreciate it.

​Educational background

I finished the middle school in 1996. After my apprenticeship as a management assistant for office communication I started my first Job in the Payment World in 1999. Since 1st of September 1999, I am continued to develop myself as well as our Industry do.

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Help us enable modern society through safe and reliable digital payments and e-identities.​