Find and download a document

​Simple search


An example on how to perform a simple search is available at Step 2.

That example shows how to perform a simple search with one search parameter. To search for documents based on multiple metadata values, they can just be specified as additional get parameters. For example:


Ranges and wildcards

 It is possible to perform searches based on ranges or matching of metadata values, using a special syntax in the value of the URL parameters. Instead of the regular simple syntax of name=value, name=name::operator::arguments should be used, where the operator is one of the operators in the following table, and the arguments is a comma separated list of arguments to the operator. Currently, the only operator that supports more than one argument is BETWEEN.

​Operator​​Description​Number of parameters
​BETWEENSearch for values that numerically or alphabetically is between two values​2
​EQUALS​Same as just specifying the value​1
​NOT​The result should not contain the provided index value​1
​GREATERSearch for values numerically or alphabetically higher than the specified value​1
​GREATER_OR_EQUAL​Same as GREATER, but also matches the specified value​1
​LESS​Search for values numerically or alphabetically lower than the specified value​1
​LESS_OR_EQUAL​Same as LESS, but also matches the specified value​1
​MATCHES​Allows the inclusion of the * character (any number of occurences) to match any sequence of characters. For instance j*p* would match both jupiter and japan.​1

Search Result

 Depending on the value of the format parameter, the result will either be in JSON or XML. Here is an example of a search result, first as XML and then as JSON. 

    <description>Test 1</description> 
    <description>This is another test</description> 

   "description": "Test 1", 
   "description": "This is another test", 