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In store payments


What are in-store payments?

In-Store Payments are defined as any payment made in a Store by a Cardholder. These payments refer to transactions that occur when a customer pays for goods or services in person, at a physical retail location. In other words, it's when a customer uses cash, credit, or debit cards to make a purchase from a brick-and-mortar store. In-store payments are still the most common way for customers to pay for their purchases.

Nets Estonia Solution

Nets Estonia provides Merchants with payment terminals for supporting acceptance of credit and debit cards.

Merchant can select from our products and software solutions the one most suited to take your business to the next level.

Whatever your sector from in-store to outdoor: countertop, portable, mobile, unattended and much more, you'll find one that meets your requirements.

Latest addition to our payment terminal portfolio is Nets T1 Smart POS.​​

​Ingenico payment terminals

In addition to NETS T1 Smart POS payment terminals we are providing following INGENICO payment terminals.

  • MOVE/3500 3G - is a portable payment terminal of the new Tetra generation. The new generation MOVE terminals have a color screen, fast and secure 3G data connection. It is ideal for places where it is necessary to ensure the mobility of the terminal.

  • MOVE/3500 Bluetooth - is terminal which communicates with the base station using a Bluetooth connection. The terminal is ideal for places where mobility within the range of the base station is sufficient. It is necessary to charge the battery of the terminals for approx. 1 time per day (depending on the volume of transactions and intensity of use).

  • DESK/3200 is a stationary terminal. The terminal kit includes a pinpad for reading chip and swipe cards and entering the PIN code.

  • DESK/3200 LAN terminal has a built-in network card that ensures a fast and secure connection. The terminal can be used as a stand-alone or integrated with the POS system (PosXML).

  • DESK/3200 3G terminal works with a SIM card in places where there is no wired internet connection.