Step 1

​​E-Ident provides user identification services to customers through one interface. This guide is intended for developers working to augment their applications and services with user identification. The get started steps and the demo app are based on OpenID Connect as the identification protocol.

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Download ​the E-Ident demo app

The demo app is a standalone Java application that demonstrates how Nets E-Ident service can be integrated into a typical application. Even though the demo app is written as a Java application, the E-Ident service is equally accessible using any other language or platform.

The demo app can be downloaded from here: E-Ident demo app.

​Install and run the app

To run E-Ident demo app you will need a demo app specific ​client id and a client secret code. The client id and the secret code can be received by using the Contact us form to Nets support.

Note: You may also receive a dedicated configured setup with dedicated client id and client secret code. ​The demo app will not run correctly ​towards a dedicated setup. To get a dedicated setup you must be a registered E-Ident​ customer. To become a customer, ​contact our sales department​. ​

Once you have received the demo app client id and client secret code, follow the below steps to run the demo app: 

  1. Unzip the zip file (
  2. Navigate to target folder inside the unzipped folder i.e. <your_parent_folder>/eident-demo-app/target
  3. Open command prompt in that folder
  4. Run the below command:

Note: Java 11 is required to run this demo app. Also note that the common setup of the E-Ident demo app uses encrypted ID Token (this is the default from end of October 2021).

java -jar eident-demo-app.jar <customer-identifier> <secret-code>

The command will start a web server that can be accessed using the following URL (as displayed in the command prompt):

  • http://localhost:8080/eident

The browser should display the initial page that looks similar to the following screenshot:

E-Ident demo app - step 1.PNG

5. If you want to test with your merchant-identifier and expect encrypted token response then need to pass your own keystore as parameter.

   java -jar eident-demo-app.jar <merchant-identifier> <secret-code> <keystore-path> <keystore-password> <private-key-alias>

Use the below (for preprod):

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