Operational information

​​​​​​All coming customer affected changes for E-Ident.

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Service maintenance for Finnish bank S-Pankki

T​ime period: 2024-05-05 00:05 - 06:00 EEST


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The Finnish bank S-Pankki has announced a service window for their identification services​. During the service windows, identifications with S-Pankki through the FTN service will be unavailable.
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Service maintenance for Telia

T​ime period: 2024-05-13 23:00 - 2024-05-14 03​:00 EEST


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Telia has announced a service window for their identification services. The FTN service offers Mobiilivarmenne identification through Telia. Telia doesn't expect any disruptions to the mentioned service​ due to the maintenance work.

Service maintenance for Telia

T​ime period: 2024-06-17 22:00 - 2024-06-18 06​:00 EEST


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Telia has announced a service window for their identification services. The FTN service offers Mobiilivarmenne identification through Telia. Telia doesn't expect any disruptions to the mentioned service​ due to the maintenance work.

FAQ: Encrypted ID Token for FTN customers


To be aligned with requirements to identity brokers from Traficom (Finnish Transport and Communications Agency), all FTN customers MUST use the OIDC protocol with encrypted ID Token in the communication with the FTN service. Below are links to documentation regarding both encrypted ID Tokens, and the OIDC protocol.


Frequently Asked Questions related to encrypted ID Token

Generate Public Key

Question 1: Is there any guide / example for us about how to generate and provide you with a public key?

Generation of an RSA public key should be done using your preferred encryption tool, and according to related documentation provided by said tool.

Here is an example on how you can generate a key-pair using the popular openssl command line tool:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -pubkey -out pubreq.p10 -subj "/CN=MyKey"

The file key.pem will contain your password-protected private key that you must implement into your application. The file pubreq.p10 will contain both the public key and the CSR-request. The public key must be sent to us, and the CSR-request you can ignore.

Public Key Format

Question 2: In what format do you need encryption keys?

The public key must be provided for us in PEM format, as a JWK or as URL link to a JWKS on web.

Below is an example of a public key in PEM-format (base64-encoded ASN.1 binary):

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Below is the same public key as above, but now formatted as a JWK (JSON Web Key):

  "kty": "RSA",
  "n": "32frjzf3sUdKfHrwKWw56Kj1YXdQcQ-2BX4L5ZYFx1QztRcrQiz57yOtBBIsNCLmbLC0Gu-2dlKG4_FJVBcRIOgXD-LQW2IUnV0AFR2N8EVlbilQvkKSA0FAAb-0D-v8Y6xcjlu5QJOLtOEY09cAG3CseylRvNwnBJYwoainl7BEPAWjAAZ4FQV1PYrVFG7-YeyE33DH0FXG4VWOCvvCb537PZwbisTkXfDslJZg-v-KTyPCQUt7ZUwKJ3b-WoxdEhKOaI3Dt_A_N3oQhZrX-miH7MclhmOzNhayYCghyUks7CdPgy1fdRvhziFkwJ3chh3jhkJ4KEBnj0uVCrfSXw",
  "e": "AQAB"

A public key may also be added to a JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) on a publicly available web site. In this case, you must send us the URL, and we will register and use the URL to retrieve the public key. The advantage of publishing the key on your own web, is the fact that you may later update the key on your side, without involving us.

Key for test and prod

Question 3Can we have a separate key for test and production?

Yes, we recommend that you create separate key-pairs for customer test and production.