Enable BankID on mobile in your services
To get you started with BankID on mobile identification through E-Ident, Nets will need a merchant certificate and some configuration setting information from you. The configuration settings are supplied in the setup dialogue with support.
More information about BankID:
Merchant certificate
Nets through the Signing and Identification Services are resellers of BankID merchant certificates, and this can be ordered either separately or together with E-Ident and/or E-Signing. When ordering a merchant certificate through Nets, you will receive an information letter asking you to complete a form with information needed to create a BankID “brukerstedsavtale” with BankID Norge. Note: In this form you need to specify if you are allowed to handle SSN.
The form shall be returned to our support and based on the form Nets will register this order at BankID. After the registration you will be asked to confirm and sign the order. When the order is signed with BankID Norge, it will be sent to your bank for processing. Your bank may use up to 10 business days for processing the order. Nets will then receive activation information for your BankID merchant certificate from your bank. The merchant certificate will be activated and connected to your configuration.
In cases where you use another reseller, the BankID activation link and code must be sent to Nets without activating it. Contact Nets support to get contact details of receiver of the link and code.
Test merchant certificate
Nets will set you up with a common test merchant certificate if nothing else have been agreed.
Test users
here for more information on how to get a BankID on mobile test user.
Information about the end user
Birth date |
birthdate Requires scope=profile | DOB | End user's date of birth. |
End user certificate | certificate Requires scope=cert | CERTIFICATE | The end user's certificate. |
Certificate policy OID |
certpolicyoid Requires scope=cert |
CERTPOLICYOID | The certificate policy OID from the end user certificate. |
Common name | cn Requires scope=cert |
CN | The common name from the end user's certificate. Example: "Usår, Tæst" |
Distinguished name |
dn Requires scope=cert | DN | The distinguished name from the end user's certificate. Example: "CN=Usår\\, Tæst,O=TestBank1 AS,C=NO,SERIALNUMBER=xxxx-xxxx-x-xxxxxx" |
Family name | family_name Requires scope=profile | SURNAME | End user's family name. Deducted from the first part of the CN field of the BankID end user certificate. |
Given namee
| given_name Requires scope=profile | GIVENNAME | End user's first name(s). Deducted from the last part of the CN field of the BankID end user certificate. |
Level of Assurance
| acr
| Accepts acr_values as urn:eident:acrp:level:high Always returns- urn:eident:cert:eidas:high
Personal identifier |
no_bid_pid / pid Requires scope=openid |
NO_BID_PID | Norwegian BankID personal identifier. For the OIDC protocol, this is returned in both the
no_bid_pid and
pid claim. |
Norwegian SSN |
no_ssn / ssn Requires scope=ssn |
NO_SSN | The end user's social security number (no: fødselsnummer). For the OIDC protocol, this is returned in both the
no_ssn and
ssn claim. |
Phone number
| phone_number Requires scope=phone |
NO_CEL8 | End user's Norwegian phone number. |
E-mail address
| email Require scope=email
| Not Applicable
| The end user's e-mail address
Phone number
| phone number Require scope=phone
| Not Applicable
| The end user's phone number
Handling of SSN
All companies that are allowed to handle social security numbers (SSN) can get this in return after a BankID identification. For customers using the SAML protocol, SSN is returned as default, but this can be turned off by appending returnssn=false to the identification request. For customers using OIDC, SSN will only be returned if scope=ssn is set in the identification request. Read more about the optional eID specific scopes and identification request parameters for OIDC and SAML respectively.
Note: Remember to specify that you want to process SSN when ordering your BankID merchant certificate and giving Nets your E-Ident configuration details.
User experience
BankID on mobile dialogue

Preset mobile number and birthdate
The end user’s mobile phone number and birthdate may be preset at the customer's site prior to calling the E-Ident service. The mobile phone number (celnr8) and birthdate (dob6) can be appended to the identification request to E-Ident. This will replace the first step in the flow above. Read more about the optional eID specific identification request parameters for respectively
OIDC and
Error codes
BankID on mobile specific error codes can be found in BankID documentation at https://confluence.bankidnorge.no/confluence/kiev-open/bankid-error-codes
Transaction text
A transaction text may be connected to the BankID on mobile transaction through the
OIDC CIBA flow using a binding message. This feature will invoke the BankID signing flow. See the CIBA flow for more information.