Buypass (NO)

​The Norwegian eID Buypass issues Buypass ID in both mobile and on smart card.

Enable Buypass in your services

To get you started with Buypass identification through E-Ident, you will need an agreement with Buypass. Nets will help you with this. Other configuration settings are supplied in the setup dialogue with support.

More information about Buypass:

Information about the end user

​Birth date


Requires: scope=profile

​DOB​End user's birth date.
​Buypass personal identifier

bp_id_sub / pid

Requires scope=openid

NO_BP_BUYPASSID​Unique Buypass identifier. For the OIDC protocol, this is returned in both the bp_id_sub and pid claim.
​End user certificate


Requires scope=cert

CERTIFICATE​End user's Buypass certificate. The certificate is only returned if the identification was performed with "Buypass ID on smartcard".
​Distinguished name


Requires scope=cert

DN​Distinguished name from end user's certificate. Example: "CN=Name Nameson"
Family name


Requires: scope=profile

​SURNAME​End user's surname.
​Given name


Requires: scope=profile

​GIVENNAME​End user's first/given name.
​Full name


Requires: scope=profile

​FULLNAME​End user's full name.
​Level of Assurance
Accepts acr_values as urn:eident:acrp:level:high or urn:eident:acrp:level:substantial or urn:eident:acrp:level:low
Always returns- 

​National identifier

no_ssn / ssn

Requires: scope=ssn

NO_SSN​End user's Norwegian national identifier number.

Handling of SSN

The social security number (SSN) of an end user can be returned if you are allowed to receive this. The SSN is returned as the no_ssn and ssn claim (if the ssn scope is set in OIDC identification request) or as NO_SSN in the assertion (SAML).

User experience

Step 1 (select identification method)

Buypass - step 1.jpg

Buypass logo

If needed, the Buypass logo can be downloaded from